Tato and Nino E from Senaki

Putting Your Life in Your Luggage and LeavingI have different reasons why Aliyah is important in my life.  One of the main is my son, Gabriel, and the other is the financial situation my family is in today.  I have always dreamt about going to Israel – and that day has now come!
My life and our poverty pushed me to think of it. I am a young guy and have tried many many things and changed different workplaces to overcome my situation…but I have been struggling. I have been doing heavy work and extra hours, but my earnings were just enough for my family to survive. The city Kutaisi where I am from is not a very developed one and the level of life is not as high as this big city should have. When I am looking to my boy, I don’t want to imagine the same life for him in this city and I see Israel as an opportunity for him. An opportunity to give him better school, education, lifestyle and the chances that can make his dreams real. As we are young family, we have to use that chance to become repatriates.  I know I can improve my situation in Israel, and I can improve my family life there.
Israel is a top country in the world, and I know, I’m sure enough that the deep dreams we have in our heart can become real. At least we can overcome our poverty and feel ourselves not like slaves but like normal humans. Israel has changed many people’s lives, and we hope so the same for our family.

Ezra is doing its best in the process of Aliyah. There are lots of puzzles that must be put in one picture and without Ezra’s help I think that can be very difficult. There are lots of documents that need specific understanding and certifying and if not for Ezra consulting us, we could have unexpected and unnecessary expenses. It took a little long to collect these documents together but through your help we finalized that process. Ezra covered our expenses on those documents, and we are so glad for that. 
There are mixed feelings about leaving.  On one side you know that the steps are right, but on the other side that decision is separating you from the closest people around you. We will miss our friends, relatives and everything that made us happy here in Kutaisi. It’s a very sad feeling to put your life in your luggage and move to another place to seek a different life there…strange feelings.

Thank you for your support and care. The help you made for us through Ezra is a huge, huge help. Especially for the poor people like we are. We appreciate your support.

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